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Here at Flourish Early Years, we believe that parents are children's first and best teachers. We offer a tutoring matching service to support your child with a range of tutoring subject areas. This could include early education and preparatory school preparation. To reception and primary tutoring support. Please check out our services below if you are a parent or a tutor offering lessons.

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Private Tutoring

Flourish Early Years also offers a private tutoring service, although formal learning is not an essential part of Early Years and we believe children should enjoy being a child and not worry about formal learning until they reach later school age. There are some instances where tutoring may be useful.


For the early years age group. This could be a child with an additional need or has delays a child who is focusing on entry to private or preparatory school that requires assessments or children from EAL backgrounds for example.


Private tutoring is an excellent way of expanding your child’s knowledge to ensure they have the best foundations to build on future life, it also sets the precedent for the future of their education this includes going on to any type of school and the path to attending some of the UK's most prestigious and top universities.


Please enquire to now so we can match you with the perfect tutor. Additionally, if you are a tutor looking for work please get in contact with your CV, and keep an eye out for our advertised roles.

© 2023 Flourish Early Years Ltd

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